TV Extended
How can you manage and promote your TV offers by dispensing with the need for on-line distribution? What synergies exist between TV content broadcast on air and exclusively on-line content?
At a time when the distribution of off-line content is moving more towards exclusive programmes - never broadcast on air - TV Extended isolates and measures the contribution at a Brand or Group level of this content outside television audiences, Médiamat. With TV Extended, the Médiamat benchmark in measurement, which already includes the entire audience for television programmes regardless of location, screen, or mode of consumption (on-line or off-line), is now enriched with the all-content dimension and thus eliminates the need for pre-air broadcasting.
TV Extended measures the overall audience of a brand or a broadcaster by integrating exclusively digital content:
- Capitalise on the audience generated by the integration of this new content (in terms of time spent, reach, etc.)
- Isolate the audience from exclusively digital content by having a reading on targets and with operational indicators that can be directly used in the Restit’TV analysis interface
- Distinguish the share of duplicators and exclusives among its different content distribution channels (on-line/off-line)
The results available directly in the Restit'TV analysis interface with:
Data delivered every Monday on the results of the past week (possibility to adapt the return frequency based on need). |
These results are offered in addition to Médiamat to subscribers to the measurement who have marked all their content, whether broadcast on air or not, by watermaking and via the e'Stat tag.
des médias